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PayPal does not allow you to pay by credit card without logging in

On one of our websites, www. we run an online payment system for mainly conferences, or other websites that need online payment, but do not want to setup a web shop.
The payment process runs through PayPal (or other payment gateways, like, iDeal,…) and allows the user to pay with credit card without logging in to or creating a PayPal account.
Most of the times the payment process goes smoothly, however, sometimes PayPal insists on logging in to an account.
This is not an error of the customer site, neither at our payment website, just PayPal makes it difficult for some reason. PayPal (and other payment gateways as well) has lots of policies to guarantee the safety of the accounts and payments.
So, even if it is a bit cumbersome, it is good for us.
The problem is basically, that the customer has some history with PayPal. His email address might be known at PayPal, he might have an account with PayPal, or there are some cookies stored on his computer related to earlier payment attempts.
If you experience this on one of our payment sites, please, try one of the steps below, or the combinations of them to get to the page where you can pay with credit card without logging in to PayPal:

1. Delete the email address on the PayPal screen where it asks you to login instead of requesting credit card data, and refresh the browser page.
2. Delete the web browser's cookies, temp files and history, then close the web browser, reopen it and try again.
3. Open a New Private Window (in case you use Firefox) or a New Incognito Window (for Chrome) using the menu on the top right and try again.
4. Use a different credit card;
5. Use a different email address.

I could solve the same problem in a stubborn case by executing the following steps in that order: 2, 3. and after running through the steps to get to PayPal in the order system: step 1.
But maybe step 1 would solve it for you and that is fairly easy.
If you already ordered something on one of our payment sites, you can retry payment after logging in into the payment site.
Login to your account -> on the top: My account -> on the left side menu -> Orders -> on the right side of the order -> Details -> Retry payment button
This button should take you to PayPal where you should be able to execute your payment.

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